Sunday, March 22, 2009

Regal Dance

We attended a dinner dance last night at the Country Club of Fairfax with the Regal Dinner and Dance Club. It is always fun to get dressed up and go dancing with friends. We've never had a bad meal at the CCF either.

People approach dancing in different ways. We know some dancers for whom dance lessons are an end in themselves. They take a lot lessons, sometimes several a week, but hardly every go dancing. On the other hand, we take lessons so we can go dancing. We generally go out dancing on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We take our lesson on Monday's and try to practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Some people go to the gym; we dance.

I saw this cartoon today and it really struck home. We used to be like this. Come home from work, sit in front of the "boob tube", usually with a bag of chips, and go to bed. Dancing is the most fun that two people can have while remaining vertical.
TV viewers of America: Arise!! Get off the couch and get dancing!

1 comment:

Bilbo said...

Wow...after all this time, two posts in one day!! Good post...but if you can figure out how to get some of these couch potatoes onto the dance floor, you're doing better than I am. I can't tell you how many people I've tried to get to come to parties or lessons, to no avail. Oh, well..I guess that just means there's more room on the floor for the rest of us...