Monday, May 28, 2007

Hollywood Ballroom

Last night we decided to go somewhere different to dance. We had heard good things about the Hollywood Ballroom, so we went there. It's up near Silver Spring, Maryland which is farther that we usually go. The traffic on Sunday evening wasn't too bad and we made it in just over an hour. Even that far afield we met a few people that we know from other dance venues. Anthony, our Argentine Dance instructor was there. He didn't get much of chance to rest. He seemed to dance every dance, each with a different partner. We also saw a couple that are also members of the Regal Dance Club.

The Hollywood Ballroom has a large dance floor (7200 sq ft) so even with the crowd they had last night, there was room to dance. There were dancers of all levels from beginners to couples that could really move across the floor. They had one "John Paul Jones" mixer where the ladies form a circle in the middle of the floor and the gentlemen along the outside of the floor. The DJ would blow a whistle and the dancers would pair off to dance some Swing. There was a good mix of music. We got to dance everything that we have in our repertoire. The standard ballroom dances and we also got a chance to practice our Argentine Tango. We have a few of the basic steps down, but I'm still struggling to string them together.

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