Saturday, April 05, 2008

Milonga Brava!

As part of the DC Tango Festival we went to the Argentine Embassy for a Milonga last night. The dancing began at 9:00 pm and there was a short introductory class and a demonstration mid-way through the evening. The couple who gave the class and the demonstration are performing tonight at Lisner Auditorium in the Tango y la Milonga at 8:00 pm.

This was our first time at the Embassy. We had a little trouble getting around the Lincoln Memorial circle; we ended up going over the Memorial Bridge only three times. The Embassy is on Q Street near DuPont Circle. We even found a parking garage nearby.

The Milonga was held in an upstairs ballroom. It was oval with very high ceilings, a marble fireplace, and works of art displayed on the walls. There were tangueros of all levels of skill as the floor filled. We saw Anthony of Tango Duos with Tatiana, his partner for the evening.

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