Sunday, March 04, 2007

Conga Line

The band starts with a heavy rhythm playing "Hot Hot Hot" originally a soca song by Arrow. Some dancers choose to do the merengue, but then a conga line starts to form. The conga was originally a carnival dance-march from Santiago de Cuba and evokes images of the smoky night spots of Cuba and Carnival in Buenos Aires. Step-step-step-kick to the left; step-step-step-kick to the right. More dancers are sucked into the line; picking up the rhythm. Hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Step-step-step-kick to the left; step-step-step-kick to the right. The line snakes around the floor, coming closer to the source of the beat and then circling around the merengue dancers in the center. Once, twice, three times around and the song comes to an end. The dancers part with a laugh, heading for their tables to take a breath and grab a drink.

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