Thursday, May 11, 2006


A strange and wonderful thing happened last night. We went to the Wednesday night dance at the Officer's Club on Fort Belvoir. They had their usual great buffet and dancing to the tunes of Bob Williams. The O Club brings in a mixture of entertainers for their events. On Wednesdays we've seen anything from a 5 piece ensemble down to Bob. Bob Williams is a vocalist who sings along to instrumentals and has his own renditions of songs. He usually plays a lot of foxtrot, waltzes, and the occasional ballad.

Anyway, the strange and wonderful thing was someone actually complimented us on dancing. It was wonderful because it is nice to be noticed. We don't do dance competitions. We only compete against ourselves. It is good to get an indication that our dance lessons are paying off. It was strange because we got the compliment after dancing a waltz. The waltz has never been the strongest dance in our repetiore. It has taken a while to get the feel for it. We are finally getting to the point where we can move around the floor and do more than the basic box.

So, our thanks to Agnes Bordas and Richard Benjamin, pictured below, from Studio One of Alexandria. Their patient work with us is showing results.
Agnes Bordas and Richard Benjamin

1 comment:

Bilbo said...

So, I guess I know who I can ask to dance Waltz on Friday night!